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Arms Surgery. When there is a sagging of the skin on the inner side of the arms, liposuction alone is not enough and we must associate removing of the skin that what we call lifting of the inner face of the arm or brachioplasty.
The skin on the inside of the arms is fine and quickly degraded by natural aging or weight fluctuations.
The intervention was designed to reduce the fatty infiltration by a liposuction and remove the skin excess.
A careful clinical examination will define the type of intervention the most appropriate to your case (choice of incision, liposuction alone or with removing excess of skin).
The consultation is very important because it allows the surgeon to clarify what are the exact wishes of the patient and especially what it is capable of accepting as scar.
Two kinds of scars: horizontal with or without vertical one.
Discontinuation of smoking is highly recommended at least one month before the intervention (tobacco can be the cause of a delay in healing).
Any medication containing aspirin should be taken within 10 days prior to the intervention.
The aim of this operation is to remove maximum of fat by liposuction and if necessary (skin excess) to lift the inner part of arm by removing the excess of skin in order to obtain lifted shaped arms.
Before & After